Fear holds you back and tells you you’ll fail
Fear keeps your mouth shut when you’ve got so much to tell
Fear follows you around in every place
Fear intimidates you so you don’t look others in the face
Fear is a dark hold that’s squeezing you tight
Fear is constant insomnia so you don’t sleep well at night
Fear is a burglar who constantly robs you of peace
Fear is a spiritual pain you’re begging to cease
Fear is only False- Evidence-Appearing-Real
If you allow it to conquer you, then it will.
It’s time to Face- Everything-And- Rise
Don’t allow fear to bring you to an inner demise
Know that it’s your birthright to be free
Look fear in the face and tell it to flee
Replace fear with Gods love and walk in complete confidence
Never allow anything to back you into a fence
Remember who’s in control and you’ll accomplish all that you choose
And most importantly know that you are the light that cast out the darkness and with that, surely you’ll never lose
-Shaquila Y Turner